Our Story

Hi! Art here ✋ I love playing soccer. Always and everywhere, no matter where I live, I carry a soccer uniform and shoes with me.

Once, I dreamed of creating a project around my favorite activity. Some knowledge in marketing and IT suggested - it would be a Playball app! It's not always easy to find a soccer game at a convenient time and place. Therefore, I want to create a convenient and simple tool for organizing and participating in matches, ensuring a real, high-quality soccer festival on the fields. Let our users not worry about anything, we'll take care of everything 👌

Playball is a mobile application designed to connect football enthusiasts by facilitating the organization and participation in amateur football matches. Playball aims to build a vibrant community where players of all skill levels can easily find, join, or create matches.

This platform serves as a central hub for soccer lovers, offering features that simplify the logistics of match organization, scheduling, and finding players and venues.


Our mission is to amplify soccer enjoyment by providing an easy-to-use platform for organizing, finding, and joining matches, fostering a vibrant community where every game is a celebration on and off the field.


Our vision is to bring something new and enjoyable to the global football experience, becoming the most trusted platform for players and fans of all ages, genders, and skill levels to easily organize, participate in, and celebrate football. We aim to make the sport universally accessible and infinitely enjoyable, ensuring a high-quality and cool experience for every player.
